Actual exchange rates: 81132 (EUR/BTC)100.79 (EUR/LTC)87622 (USD/BTC)100.93 (USD/LTC)
To make it much easier for business owners as well as for developers, we prepared a solution called CDPAY, acting as digital currency payment gateway with many useful features. CDPAY offers API able to accept BTC, LTC, DASH, ZCASH, BCASH and MONERO. This platform is designed for businesses like e-shops, coffee shops, electronics stores, greengrocers, fast foods or any other custom e-commerce portals who do not want to keep a transaction history or create their own payment system with electronic wallets. Merchants can easily implement additional buttons for their customers on the e-shop pages which allows them to use API as a payment method with BTC, LTC, ETH, USDT, BCH. E-shops can still see the history and check the status of the customer’s transaction. That is very useful in order to finish off the customer’s orders while the e-shop can be assured about receiving their BTC / LTC / ETH / USDT / BCH to their electronic wallets or exchange into EUR. You will provide you with a very competitive advantage that allows you to match an order number with corresponding transaction through simple API command. E-shops which are using the FIAT as the primary currency to the following currencies - EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, AED, VND are fully supported with exchange rate pairs to BTC, LTC, ETH, USDT and BCH.
CryptoDiggers are verified as accountable business on the Kraken and Coinmate Exchange to trade digital currencies up to 3 million EUR per month.
Automated exchange service is provided by the CDPAY for all verified customers. In order to be verified customer, you will need to provide us with
detailed information about your business including the business bank account residency. Also a written formal approval form needs to be completed
and emailed to our customer service team who will confirm the compliance with our AML and KYC rules and processes. Agreement is available on our
CDPAY site in the section “Common Docs” under the name “Merchant SLA”. Transfers are processed using SEPA payment from our bank account. A standard
tax document in PDF format will be directly emailed to you from our CDPAY portal.
There is an option for customers to setup EUR transfers to their business bank accounts in 4 periods: