Actual exchange rates: 100530 (EUR/BTC)122.58 (EUR/LTC)105140 (USD/BTC)124.07 (USD/LTC)
Our team was founded at the end of year 2013, when we decided not to be only miners of the crypto currencies. We all come from Slovak Republic which is a small country in the heart of Europe. We were running altcoin mining pool which brought us a better knowleadge about crypto currencies and wallet api. After a while of successful operation we have decided to build our own services and this page is the first part of our work. Please enjoy our new service not only for merchants. Now we have multicurrency payment gateway supporting Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Cash, Zcash and Monero. From FIAT currencies the payment gateway accepts EUR, USD, CAD, AUD, GBP, JPY, CNY, AED, CZK, PLZ, VND, CHF, NOK and IDR.
Address: Gallayova 15, 841 02 Bratislava, Slovakia Office: Černyševského 10, 851 02 Bratislava, Slovakia Phone: +421-907-826-087 (8:00am - 6:00pm - working days)
Slovakia (Europe)
Actual job position - Head of IT department. Skills - programming C#, PHP, TSQL, PL-SQL, networking, operating systems, SQL server, web server, email server, backup system,
SAN systems, and core banking systems. over 15 years of banking IT skills.
Slovakia (Europe)
Actual job position - Security and blockchain advisor. Skills - programming TSQL, PHP, networking, operating systems, SQL server, web server, email server, SAN systems, customized banking systems. over 15 years banking IT skills.
About 4-8 freelancers with different skills in mathematic and business case modeling, programming, infrastructure, security and marketing.